Entries by CarlR

Album 74 Cover and Information Revealed

The cover for Album 74: Buckle Up (hopefully not nodding towards Buckles) has just been released, here it is: Here is the official summary: To this point Renee and Horus have only appeared in club adventures, not anymore. In Album 74, both are back for a scientific breakthrough of monumental proportions. But there’s a catch: […]

“Multiple Mysteries”

Clubhouse December arrived today, and the tagline for the album 70 “column” is “Multiple Mysteries” with this text below: “What happened to Connie’s car? Who’s behind an elaborate cellphone scheme? And why did Wyatt pull a crazy stunt that landed him in the hospital?…” Here is my opinion in which episodes the instances will appear: […]

Actors for New Episodes

Jules, Wooton and Connie will appear in eitherMake Snow Mistake,Snow ‘Em Who’s BossSew on and Snow ForthThe Snow Must Go OnVoice of Freedom 1 & 2A Dickensian Dilemma Which were recorded about four weeks ago. I assume Jules is going to be the ones with the “snow” puns, since the last snow title is “The […]

Album 70 Episode Order

Nathan Hoobler revealed the Album 70 episode orders to me, here they are. Jumping Off, Jumping InAuto ResponseUnrelatableThe ProtectorThe Christmas BellsLet’s Call the Whole Thing Off He also said this: “Looks like the first episode will release on the Club on December 15. They will release in a slightly different order on the Club than […]

My First Fan Fiction Competition!!

Since I haven’t been making a lot of posts lately, I decided to host a contest, the first Odyssey News Fan Fiction Competition!! Here are the rules: -Keep it appropriate, G rated. -Entries must be from 500 words to 1,000 words (if your fiction is over on under the limits, please contact me on my […]

Q&A with Riley Davison (of The AIO Insider)!

So today I did a Q&A with Riley Davison (From The AIO Insider see here:https://aioinsider.home.blog/). Here is what he said! Question#1: When did you start listening to Odyssey, and what is the first episode you remember hearing? I started listening around 2011 or so. The first episode I listened to… That’s hard. I think some […]